
GLOW5|Guest DJ : HEAD (HX/HongKong/Taipei)

DJ HEAD (HXproduction/HongKong/Taipei)
Born in Taipei, DJ HEAD has gained the recognition in his hometown by bringing them up-to-the-minute club sound in events such as G5's 10 years Anniversary & 2F Party at LUXY, 6 years Follow-Me Anniversary & Club 3 years Anniversary parties at JumP.
His style would best be described as uplifting house with a festive feel, and he consistently succeeds in infecting his dance floors with euphoria and enthusiasm.
Internationally, DJ HEAD has toured extensively playing at various events and clubs such as Australia, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Bangkok, HXproduction (Hong Kong), D2 2nd years Anniversary (Shanghai), Destination 7 Years Anniversary (Beijing).
He has also shared the booth with the likes of Tracy Young, Manny Lehman,Paulo, Moto Blanco, Hector Fonseca ,David S, establishing himself as a world-class master behind the turntables.
A confirmed crowd-pleaser with a progressive twist, DJ Head never fails to deliver !

出身台北的DJ HEAD,已全面震征LUXY在台北舉辦的G5 十週年及2F派對 、JumP的三週年慶及Follow-Me 6週年派對等台灣最盛大舞場,一展他奔馳恣放的音樂魔才,贏得派對客一致熱評狂讚!
DJ HEAD個人風格獨領風騷,以帶著歡愉節慶氛圍、暢快熱鬧的強力浩室電音,一次次成功地引領派對直達最高潮!
不僅於此,他更揚向國際,前進澳洲、新加坡、馬來西亞、韓國、曼谷、以及香港HXproduction、上海D2 二週年慶、北京Destination七週年慶、 等亞洲頂級熱門舞殿,世界舞客齊身滿堂見證,DJ HEAD絕對是最懂得滿足狂歡群眾的魅力首選唱片騎師。並與Tracy Young、Manny Lehman、 Paulo、Moto Blanco、 Hector Fonseca、David S等天王頂級DJ同台演出,也在在奠定DJ HEAD躋身世界級音樂好手的美好里程碑。
持續精進求新,以瘋迷人心的絕音幻圍,帶頭騰空直達派對頂顛,這就是獨一無二的DJ HEAD!


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